Yellow Fiat Barchetta online puzzle

123rfaurinko 48 2015-11-25
Yellow Fiat Barchetta puzzle online from photo

Cars equipped with soft and folding or removable roof often attract attention as they are associated both with careless driving to the unknown and a summer ride around the city. Cars of this type - especially in colder climates - are not very functional but they still have a lot of fans. It is the same if it comes to roadsters, i.e. sports vehicles intended exclusively for the driver and one passenger. Fiat Barchetta is one of such cars – it is a two-person model with a folding roof and a slightly futuristic, streamlined body shape. Fiat Barchetta was designed by Andreas Zapatinas and was produced from 1995 to 2005. In contrast to other roadsters, Barchetta has a front-wheel drive.

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