Fresh fruits and vegetables online puzzle

Visutthisuk Thonnondaeng 126 2014-08-30
Fresh fruits and vegetables puzzle online from photo

Fruits and vegetables are very important in our diet. There is a big selection of edible plants in shops and markets, both homegrown and foreign. A customer may obviously find fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. They can be used in the kitchen and we may prepare lots of tasty and nutritious dishes, desserts and juices from them. There are people called vegans and fruitarians who give up animal products and eat only plants, including cereals. Nevertheless, everyone who wants to be healthy and slim should eat fruits and vegetables as they are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber that improves metabolism. It is obviously best to choose seasonal food and buy it from local vendors.

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      The tomatoes were a pain in the neck for me!Yum Healthy nya251ok :)177.Metoda prób i błędów.176Super smaczne, ale trudne.ok.161super145 :)543 ajćoksmacznego :-)Bananowo...pomidorowo i kukurydziano, ale aż 136 punktów, ale warto było :)138:)ok154Trudne !167Trudne były.ok442 nieźle jak na mnieoch te owoceok 194jjj281 jestem zadowolona- chciała bym poznać smak południowych owoców prosto z drzewaAnna z Katowica wydawało się takie proste - bardzo okpyszne183 :)Układanki z owocami zawsze są fajne. Pozdrawiam wszystkich :)łatwo nie byłoBardzo przyjemne 135.135129 superfajne135 ok.147trudne owockiPoległam na zielonych bananach, wynik 151ok150 okAŻ 143okokOKOwoce południowe prosto z drzewa... kiedyś znowu bezie możnaok138:}ok?124325:)superELzbietaokno 3491395super2Dla mnie sliwki,wynik 133130wynik, ok.:)jestsuper134 okmam 231206

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