Stone street in the village of Papingo (Greece) online puzzle

Vasilis Ververidis 88 2018-03-01
Stone street in the village of Papingo (Greece) online puzzle

Papingo village is situated in north-western Greece near the border with Albania in the mountainous region of Epirus. It consists of two parts: Mikro Papingo and Megalo Papingo. As in the whole region of Zagori the village is dominated by buildings of gray limestone, stone fences and cobblestone streets. It is interesting that houses in Papingo do not have balconies. The biggest advantage of the village is its location, which provides breathtaking views. Papingo is often visited by travelers heading towards the Vikos Gorge in the Pindus mountains.

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      widok piękny... ale mieszkać tam nie chciałabym...mam127 bez podglądu89-wynik nie powalający:)PIĘKNIE SIĘ UKŁADAŁO ALE ZA DUŻO BŁĘDÓW 89urokliwe miejsce87 le okjestem nr 1 na liście :) (85)ok110jest85ty 117jjjok8986ok95 - cudowne i jużok88, ,,,papingo o słodkie papingo ..jak żyć bez balkonu? jak? 1179798ok87, okok8987PIĘKNE NA 9887 ;)86okbez okna, wynik 9588aaładnie 141:)ok?

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