Castle ruins in Cesis (Latvia) online puzzle

Valerijs Kostreckis 70 2012-11-14
Castle ruins in Cesis (Latvia) online puzzle

Ruins of the castle in Cēsis (Latvia). The castle in Cesis is over 800 years old. Despite that it is a perfectly preserved architectonic monument of the city and the main tourist attraction of Latvia. The castle is located on the hill, thanks to that it is possible to see an interesting panorama of Cesis, which is particularly beautiful in autumn, when the aura of secrecy is created. At first the castle belonged to the Teutonic Order Knights (13th century), three centuries later the destroyed fortress was taken over by the Swedish and after it was rebuilt it was captured by the Russians, who destroyed it again. Today the castle in Cesis serves the function of the Historic Museum of Latvia. Ruins of the castle and fortification in the Latvian town of Cēsis raise picturesquely on 18-meter hill. The history of the castle is unusually turbulent. The first fortress at this place was built by the Teutonic Knights in 13th century. In 16th century part of the castle was blown up. The fortress had been restored by the Swedish, however, it was soon destroyed by the Russians. In 18th century the ruins of the castle became the private property. Today the fortress hosts the History Museum and is an important tourist attraction of Latvia.

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      didn't take my time but I loved it!goodTYDZIEŃ TEMU WRÓCIŁAM Z ŁOTWY NIEWYBACZALNE ALE TEGO ZAMKU NIE WIDZIAŁAMSuper!127super zabawa846894 ciekawe te ruiny81=^..^=ładne ale aż 77ok.pięknieŁatwe.87az 195 duzo ale z checia74:)warto zwiedzić:)378ok125 :)wynik miernywyciskacz lez ;)s:)jejBEAUTFUL RUINS!!!Ruiny zamku...muszę je zobaczyć."ale to już było"... kolejne zdj. ,które się powtarza ...;;)OK dzieki dobranoc67, fajne ruiny69, ,,,71po co to się bić o jakies ruiny? nie rozumiem 15074 ,,10569.NIC Z TEGO 69116103, niebo i chmurki najtrudniej się układałook 108okjest104107bylo ciezko.:)95okokLubię takie stare zamki.cieniuśko 1057789,ok.pośpiech- słaby wynik 173120 porażka.Zawsze te chmury... Niebo to mój słaby punkt.mam wynik 8391111- zadowolonamamamSuper!!!I znów bujałam w chmurach aż80

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