Pier in St. Augustine (USA) online puzzle

Jon Bilous 60 2017-04-30
Pier in St. Augustine (USA) online puzzle

The town of St. Augustine is located in the north-eastern part of the state of Florida and is the oldest settlement founded by Europeans in North America. St. Augustine was discovered on August 28, 1565, and Saint Augustine of Hippo is its patron. The town is filled with historic buildings and some of them are even a few hundreds of years old. The Spanish fortress Castillo San Marco is the landmark of St. Augustine. The town is picturesquely situated on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. There are over 40 kilometers of beautiful beaches, both sandy and rocky.

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      oehsgdmonhwnwLovely photograph, makes it a pleasure to do the puzzlebeautiful, simple puzzle56,ok.59,64,60,71,19660.68,57,ok.56,ok.59,ok.61,ok.59,ok.58.ok.61,ok.61,ok.59.ok.jestem na liście :) (58)59,ok.6164,OK 60ciekawe czy po "rewolucji" BLM ocaleje czy może śmietanka inteligencji amerykańskiej postanowi go jednak zniszczyć jako znak ucisku? 15561 ok56 ZABRAKŁO MIEJSCA NA LIŚCIE GDYBY "ALE" NIE UKŁADAŁO 4 RAZY INNI MIELI BY TROCHĘ RADOŚCIok 64ok58wynik 56piękny widok...:)jestOK 5659,ok.58,ok.59PIEKNE MOLO I ZACHOD SLONCA78 bez podglądu57,ok.63,,59,ok.7355

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